Music For Crawling Through Abandoned Cities
Abandoned places and desolate spaces, covered with rain, snow, and ash, wrapped in a blanket of …
Abandoned places and desolate spaces, covered with rain, snow, and ash, wrapped in a blanket of …
“… blending organic textures and timeless ambience for a reflective journey…”
… I try to think more about how far you can edit elements in terms of sound and how much resonance you can extract from an element in order to be able to represent the essence of the desired sound…
“… slowly filtering through the sonic biotopes until the sounds extend across the spectrum in full frequency…”
contemporary ambiance
“… rewinding the music I missed and fast forwarding to the music released in the future…”
Well, here we are, folks, in the final days of this rather interesting year, with my …
“… marking the starting point of a new collaboration project by Markus Guentner and Joachim Spieth…”
“… a captivating progression […] with an endlessly interwoven carpet of sound that spreads out over six etudes…”
“… curiosity, trying out new technology, and different forms of synthesis always bring me new ideas…”